GX Australia is returning for 2017, 29 – 30 April 2017

8 years ago

I lined one side of the pita with the lettuce and the other side got a bit soggy from the mixture even tho I did drain the liquid first.

What’s GX Australia?

GX Australia is a weekend-long celebration of everything gaming & geek related — whether you’re into comics or video games, cosplaying or consoles, you’ll find something here showcasing your interests and hobbies. And best of all, it’s all taking place in an epically awesome, inclusive, and supportive environment!

Check out what we had for our first year and keep your eyes on this space to see what we’ve got planned for next year, or check out the page of our successful 2017 kickstarter campaign!

Whatever your interests, we’re certain that you’ll find something exciting and fun to do over the weekend. We can’t wait to see you there!

Tickets on sale now!

After a hugely successful first year event in February 2016, GX Australia is returning to give Aussie geeks an inclusive and supportive space to share their passions and interests. Like all two year olds, they’re bigger and better than before — Their new location is at the iconic Sydney Showground where they’ll have a larger space with state-of-the-art facilities to ensure everyone has the best weekend possible.

 Tickets are on sale now!

April 29 – 30, 2017 for an awesome weekend of panels, competitions, insightful discussions, and — of course — the friendliest geeks you’ve ever met!


Tickets for the 2017 event are now available!

Tickets are available for those under 18, students, general admission, and both artist alley sales & exhibitor booths.


GX Australia is actively seeking developer & publisher sponsorship.

If your company can contribute, please email:



Source and image: http://www.gxaustralia.com

Want to  learn more?

  1. Just starting outCLICK HERE
  2. Been working in your business for two years or more? CLICK HERE
  3. Launch Pad + Accelerator Expressions of Interest
  4. Submit your article – Share news, press release. SUBMIT HERE

We’re here to help you to take action just like we’ve helped  thousands of other entrepreneurs, business owers and creative professionals all around the globe.

Now is the time to let your passion SHINE.

Now is the time to Make Tomorrow Today!

To your success,

Vinh Van Lam & Stuart Horrex

GameSHINE & ArtSHINE industries

What’s GX Australia? GX Australia is a weekend-long celebration of everything gaming & geek related — whether you’re into comics or video games, cosplaying or consoles, you’ll find something here showcasing your interests and hobbies. And best of all, it’s all taking place in an epically awesome, inclusive, and supportive environment! Check out what we had for our first year and keep your eyes on this space to see what we’ve got planned for next year, or check out the page of our successful 2017 kickstarter campaign! Whatever your interests, we’re certain that you’ll find something exciting and fun to do over the weekend. We can’t wait to see you there! Tickets on sale now! After a hugely successful first year event in February 2016, GX Australia is returning to give Aussie geeks an inclusive and supportive space to share their passions and interests. Like all two year olds, they’re bigger and better than before — Their new location is at the iconic Sydney Showground where they’ll have a larger space with state-of-the-art facilities to ensure everyone has the best weekend possible.  Tickets are on sale now! April 29 – 30, 2017 for an awesome weekend of panels, competitions, insightful discussions, and — of course — the friendliest geeks you’ve ever met! TICKETS ON SALE NOW! Tickets for the 2017 event are now available! Tickets are available for those under 18, students, general admission, and both artist alley sales & exhibitor booths. WANT TO HELP? GX Australia is actively seeking developer & publisher sponsorship. If your company can contribute, please email: liam@gxaustralia.com WANNA VOLUNTEER? volunteers@gxaustralia.com Source and image: http://www.gxaustralia.com Want to  learn more? Just starting out? CLICK HERE Been working in your business for two years or more? CLICK HERE Launch Pad + Accelerator Expressions of Interest Submit your article – Share news, press release. SUBMIT HERE We’re here to help you to take action just like we’ve helped  thousands of other entrepreneurs, business owers and creative professionals all around the globe. Now is the time to let your passion SHINE. Now is the time to Make Tomorrow Today! To your success, Vinh Van Lam & Stuart Horrex GameSHINE & ArtSHINE industries

Our Rating

Event - 8.5
Content - 8.6
Value - 9.5
Helpful - 8.7



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