Beaten? Down? Never give up

8 years ago

Artwork By: Erik Smithson

Last week, I spoke to a client who was so down he was on the point of giving up his passion for gaming creation.

We all go through these ups and downs: even as a coach I felt like this too and wanted to give up. If you get like this, you need to take a break, have a deep breath and review your current situation.

From that coaching session, it reminded me that a lot of you are probably struggling to make your indie studio work. There’s nothing wrong with that: everyone’s story is different, the way your studio develops isn’t going to be same to anyone else’s. We are all unique individual.

Get the perspective

Whether you’re developing your first game and you have no idea if you’re doing anything correctly or you’ve been developing games for years, yet feel you’ve reached a dead end in terms of creativity, this type of thing happens to the all of us.

In fact, it doesn’t just strike every developer: it hits everyone and in any businesses.

Let me tell you a little story. First of all, I love what I do. I’m a coach for the creative industry or you can call me a coach for CreaTech (Creative & Technology) that has the opportunity of doing what I love and help my clients to achieve their goals and dreams.

It’s the most flexible job I could ask for: it’s rewarding to coach and write blogs such as this that helps readers. It’s fun and I enjoy it. But that doesn’t mean there haven’t been times when I’ve wanted to throw in the towel, throw my laptop out of the window, and give up.

Despite the benefits, there have been times where I’ve said I’m sick of running my own business and want to work under someone instead. In fact, there have been times where I’ve been dead serious about giving up too.

Then something happens, usually within a day, that makes me realise that despite feeling as if I’m tired of my work, ultimately I’m right at the right space where I want and need to be! Sometimes it’s the kind words of a client, and other times I have a moment of clarity where I’m reminded why I enjoy doing what I do in the first place.

So always remember why do you want to create gaming in the first place?

We all have moments where we want to give up: we’d be crazy if it didn’t happen right?.

We’re human, and as such we allow our emotions to get the best of us from time-to-time. If things don’t go our way, it’s a recipe for making us feel as if it’s time to move on. But don’t!

Here’s my quote of the day: “If you climb Everest and look back, you can see your journey. Give up half-way and you slide back down where you began.

“I know only of a few people who have achieved their dreams. But I know a whole lot more who gave up on the way. 

“Yet those that kept going and achieved their dreams were glad they kept going. Those that gave up, tell me they wish they’d kept going. So keep working, stay motivated and focussed, and you’ll achieve your equivalent of Everest.”

Don’t quit, keep going

If you keep fighting the good fight you’re going to be thankful and grateful every morning that you kept going. When you feel like giving up and doing something else, don’t. Keep making games, keep learning, keep growing your brand, and remember the quote above.


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Now is the time to let your passion SHINE.

Now is the time to Make Tomorrow Today!

To your success,

Vinh Van Lam & Stuart Horrex

GameSHINE & ArtSHINE industries


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